於月野きのこ 2022年10月20日読了時間: 1分うなぎ土用の丑の日の後だから入れるかな、といつもの鰻店へ。あー、おいしかったー。Do you eat eel?We do!In summer, we easily get tired. If we eat eel, we 'd get a lot of energy!!It's grilled, and tastes so good.We recommend you to eat eel , called unagi in summer!!#food
土用の丑の日の後だから入れるかな、といつもの鰻店へ。あー、おいしかったー。Do you eat eel?We do!In summer, we easily get tired. If we eat eel, we 'd get a lot of energy!!It's grilled, and tastes so good.We recommend you to eat eel , called unagi in summer!!#food